For some days now, I have been doing some deep study. I have been browsing the internet to get some vital information that will help me forge ahead. On this particular morning at the office, I got tired of searching the web and I decide to chat up with a close friend. I jokingly told her in our conversation that I see her getting married next year. she replied with a big "AMEN". I smiled and continued teasing her about her age. "my dear you are old so I think you just need to go and marry so that we will know those of us that is left behind" I said. she said " you are right, but I wish i can get married to my crush". I got interested and asked her who her crush is. she told me the name of the guy and explained that he is an actor. I decided to surf the internet to get some details about the guy. 

In the process of doing that, a thought came to my mind and I was just inspired to type my name in the search engine and check the result. of course I saw some information about myself, I even saw a post I wrote on my blog long ago it was then I realized I haven't even updated my blog in over a year. it dawned on me that I have lost focus in writing things that edifies me and others.

I have been engrossed doing some other things that aren't of great importance and value. some of us have been victims of this at one point or the other in our life. I think it is an area we should look into.

Focus is giving special attention to a particular thing or person. These days we tend to focus on things that are not important to things that are important. Often times we fail to concentrate and persevere on one particular thing that we do. we lose focus easily. we have become inconsistent in some of the things we do .
Image result for Losing focus
                                                     Proverbs 4:25 (MSG)
                                      Keep your eyes straight ahead
                                       Ignore all sideshow distractions

Distraction is one of the major reason why people lose focus in life. life is full of distractions. there are distractions everywhere but it takes a disciplined, consistent and a focused person to become successful in life. Distraction is the process of diverting the attention of an individual or group from the desired area of focus and thereby blocking or diminishing the reception of desired information.

Distractions can cause you to forget good ideas and lose valuable insights. So many things can stand as swarms of distractions and constant interruptions in our lives. these things can make us lose focus in our daily activities and goals if we are not careful. some of these things are :

MONEY: in the pursuit of money, people tend to lose focus. no doubt, money is one of the necessities of life but we should not allow money to distract us from achieving our aims in life. some people stop focusing on their dreams because of their pursuit for wealth. this is not advisable. we should not allow our needs and want to distract us from achieving our goals.

EMOTIONS: many times people get emotional in between achieving their aims in life. I wrote an article few months back and I was hoping to publish it. I decided to send it to a friend to help me edit and vet it before publishing, the response I got from him destabilized me. he said the write-up was not written well. I felt very bad and dropped my pen. I guess its one of the reasons why I didn't publish some of my written articles afterwards. I allowed my emotions take charge of my goals and I lost focus in the process. we must learn to be confident. we shouldn't allow our emotions affect our focus in life. Emotions aside... Focus aside..

FRIENDS: a friend of mine once said, "anytime I read, I don't understand. I find it difficult to concentrate on my academics". After conversing with her, I realized its the set of friend she mingles with that gets her distracted each time she tries to study. they don't seem to be walking in the same path. so each time she associates with them, she loses focus. The company we keep can affect our behaviour for better or worse
Other factors such as pride, power, energy are some of the reasons why people lose focus in life. I have learnt its best to be consistent, determined and focused to be a successful person in life. We must all learn to look straight ahead in life and ignore any form of distractions. Do not do so many things at the same time. Take it one step at a time. 

What you give special attention to is very important. Ensure that you engage yourself in profitable, reasonable and valuable things in life to be successful. Ignore every distractions, concentrate on relevant things. Focus on what matters, Focus is key. cheers


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