
Showing posts from December 7, 2018


In reality, the belief that women secretly hate one another has a long history. For centuries, women were pronounced incapable of “true friendship”. Rather than enjoying the long-lasting friendships found among men, bonds between women were depicted as short-lived, unable to withstand women’s quarrelsome natures. Many believe female who occupy influential positions are tougher on women employees, reluctant to help others shatter the glass ceiling for fear of losing their own privileged position. This is not supposed to be. Sometimes, we forget how easy it is to be our sister’s keeper. On one of my short visits to Lagos, I decided to visit  a friend of mine who stays around Iyana-Ipaja axis. I got to the bus station where I was to board a bus going to my destination and realized a bus was loading already. I didn’t feel like entering the bus because it was big so I decided to go for a smaller bus. As I was about entering the bus, I noticed there was a strong argument going on among