
Showing posts from December 6, 2013


When I was a kid, I have always dreamt of being a medical doctor but as God will have it, I am a computer scientist. Such is life             Many also have dreamt of becoming  someone/something but due to some limitations they don’t end up getting to that height. DREAM: A wish to have or be something especially one that some seems difficult to achieve. I understand that some people can become frustrated because they are unable to achieve their dreams. I also understand how it feels because I have been in that show before; Hoping to study medicine only to end up studying computer science.              One thing I have come to realize is that if it’s your calling (like many Christians’ will say) the dream will come to reality. If it is what God has called you to do, if it is your destiny it will surely come to true. Though it can be late but it will come to fulfillment.             Some people cannot really tell  why they want to become in life. I have met few people who do not


I was in church, then suddenly after a short message was preached, a pastor gave me a scripture   (Galatians 5:19) and immediately after I received it, rapture took place and I woke up immediately. I wasn’t very shocked because it wasn’t the first time I would dream about rapture but I asked what about this scripture.         This scripture inspired me to write this: Galatians 5:19(GNT)”what human nature does is quite plain, it shows itself in immoral, filthy and indecent actions”. Human nature: the ways of behaving, thinking and feeling  that are shared by most people and are considered to be normal. After much thinking and pondering about this scripture and the definition of the Human nature, I realize that majority of the things considered as normal by people are actually very abnormal. This scripture explains that what human nature does is quite plain, very obvious for all to see, it manifest or show itself in immoral, filthy and indecent actions. IMMORAL: (of people and the