When I was in Primary School, years ago, I learnt a poem about a goat. My teacher said a goat is a domestic animal that goes through lots of severe punishment because of its acts of disobedience. The poem advised children not to behave like a goat, the disobedient animal.
            Well I think this poem is written after a long study and research of this animal “goat”. If we rear goats or we have some goats in our vicinity, we will see how stubborn a goat is. Many times you chase a goat from going to a particular place but it won’t take to correction.
What is our attitude to correction? How do we respond when we are being corrected? I feel bad when I see people who refuse to admit that they wrong.
           Majority of people do not understand that the reason why they are being corrected is for their life to better than it is. Looking at the life of young people today, many youths do not like to take corrections, they feel they are matured enough to know the right thing and take the right decisions.
There is an adage that says what an elderly man sees while sitting, a kid cannot see while standing. Many of our youths today do not even respect the authorities that have been placed over them. Many believe that they know a lot than more than their head. But I say to you that if truly you think you know more or you feel you are wiser then these authorities over you then you shouldn't be where you are, you should be higher.
            Even the Bible talks about correction in Job 5:17 “Happy is the person whom God corrects! Do not resent it when He rebukes you” (GNT). If you do not accept corrections from the authorities over you on earth; how much more God your Heavenly father?
We should learn to accept corrections with happiness. Even when we are not happy; sometimes corrections can come as embarrassment to us, sometimes it can be very harsh. But I tell you that it is a person that one loves that one corrects.
            In some families today, we see how the positive attitudes of some wives to correction have improved their relationship with their husbands positively. Even in relationships, taking to corrections have helped both partners to improve. Positive attitude to corrections brings about improvement and enlargement. We are not goats, we are human and we should act like one.
            Pride is one factor that makes some people have a negative attitude towards being corrected. Remember that pride goes before a fall. God rebukes the proud.
            Over confidence also is something that destroys. When you believe that whatever you are doing is the right thing, you won’t be open to corrections and this can lead to destruction,
            Personally, I do not see anything in being corrected, though sometimes I feel bad and ashamed when am being corrected but I know it is for my own good. I have been in a situation where I pray for the ground to open and swallow me up because am being corrected but accepting corrections have helped improved my life. I won’t be writing this, if I wasn't made to realize some past mistakes.

            Our attitude to correction is very essential. Let’s learn to develop a positive attitude towards correction. Cheers


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