When I saw him, my heart skipped a beat, wow!!! I said within me he is handsome…I smiled to myself and moved on….it’s just an admiration nothing more. When I got home, his image keeps flashing, I can’t believe I was thinking about a stranger, someone I didn’t even have a word with….CRUSH
            Crush is a strong feeling of love that usually does not last very long, that a young person have for someone.
            I thought I was the only one always having crush on people but when I move closer to many young people, I realize that I wasn't alone In this. Having crush on someone is something very common among the youths of today…but such feelings doesn't last. I think admiring people that you like is more like it. Attaching feelings/emotions to your admiration is now having a crush on the person.
            Most times, the people we have crush on are people we admire, it’s possible to have crush on someone who we see on television, someone in our place of work, someone in your church, friends at school etc. but going extra miles is what is very bad. I noticed that some ladies and guys allow their crush to end up into lust.
            Lust is a very strong sexual desire, especially when love is not involved. Some youth are very careless with their emotions; they get carried away in the process of admiring someone. Sometimes it is very difficult to control because you might really crave for the person so much that you end up misbehaving…. Crush doesn't last long.
            I have had crush on several people but I always remind myself that it won’t last, it’s just an attraction…I always take my mind off it immediately because if I don’t I realize I might start dreaming or thinking about the person. If it continues it can go a long way in affecting me. When we have crush on people we always keep it as secrets because we know in our heart that it won’t last. It’s just an admiration. Some people always want their crush to become their sexual partner or spouse but it doesn't work that way. You realize later that the feeling starts reducing with time. You realize that you don’t really like the person like you use to.
            Am writing this article because many youths deceive themselves with this crush issue… they get carried away easily…but like I will always say be very careful. Don’t let your crush on someone crush your emotions….CHEERS


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