Ability to think: the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel. The ability to think and reason: your thoughts, interests; ability to remember things.
            The mind is the origin of our thoughts, before things are said through the mouth, I mean before words are spoken; many thoughts have been processed in the mind. Am thrilled at the way the creator designed the mind and am amazed at the way it is being used by people. The mind consists of a lot, positive thoughts, negative thoughts, ideas, solutions and many others.

            Like I said earlier, before words are spoken and expressed, it goes through a series of process in the mind. My question to you is; how have you been able to utilize your mind. What are the things that run through your mind when you are alone and when you are with people?
            Many times when people face challenges in some areas of their lives, they just keep it to themselves and conceal all the thoughts in their mind. Some people have concealed thoughts as secrets in their minds; many have failed in life for not speaking out. Think, what are you concealing in your mind?

            The origin of many problems and situations starts from the mind. Fornication, adultery, theft, corruption, selfishness, murder etc all starts from the mind. My aim of posting this piece is to urge and encourage my readers to develop their mind. Let’s allow positive thoughts and ideas occupy our minds. When a child is growing up, his or her parents tends to instill a lot of habits and culture into the child’s life, trying to mould the child’s thinking into what they feel is right. The child grows up with this mindset and if the mindset is a negative one, the child grows up having different issues.
            There are different mindsets. For instance, people who grow up with a poverty mindset find it very difficult to handle wealth because in their mind they have learnt to always settle for less. When you treat some people like kings, they still behave like slaves. Their thinking is always limited because they believe they cant go higher than where they are. They do not believe in the principles of giving but they believe in the principles of receiving and managing.

            I believe there is a way we can nurture our minds to maturity and positive thinking. Many situations will turn around and many problems will have solutions. Lets change the way we reason. THE MIND


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