There is a punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided, this punishment is called NEMESIS.
            Sometimes ago, I always think that no matter what some people do, they can always get away with it. But years later, I realize that you can’t always have your cake and also eat it meaning that you cannot have the advantage of something without its disadvantage. I know that some people always feel they are on top of their game but things cannot always continue like that. You don’t expect to hurt your fellow human and get away with it.
            Are you a guy who thinks he can get any girl whenever he wishes, are you out there hurting young ladies and thinking its normal. Do you date five girls at a time, do you molest young girls thinking they are immature and can’t do anything to you. Do you encourage abortion? NEMESIS
            Are you a lady who collects money from men and sleeps with them in exchange? Are you saucy and lousy? Have you aborted several babies thinking nothing will happen to you? NEMESIS
            Are you a leader, do you treat your followers as if they are nothing, do you use your leadership position to oppress people around you. Do you embezzle money and encourage corrupt practices in your office or organization. NEMESIS
            Are you young but very lazy and you hate work hard. Do you kidnap people and dupe them of their belongings and money. Do you steal from people and oppress them all because you want to get quick wealth. NEMESIS
            There are many situations in life and I can’t start mentioning all. The list is full. There is nothing that has an advantage that doesn't have a disadvantage. Whatever good thing you find your hands doing, do it well. Live your life with humility, diligence and hard work. Let your life be a transparent one, do not think you can always eat your cake and have it.
            To that young man/lady who lives a promiscuous lifestyle. Remember that one day it will tell on your health, your career and future. To that leader who treats his/her followers anyhow, remember that no condition is permanent. Your follower can be your leader tomorrow.
            To the young youths of today, who are eager to make wealth without working hard, remember that the things you don’t work for does not last. Whatever you do to others, same thing will be done to you.
            Finally, I will like to remind you that what goes around comes around. Do unto others what you want them to do to you. Never treat anyone the way you wouldn't
 want to be treated. NEMESIS IS REAL…KEEP DOING GOOD


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