
The Importance of Experience and Openness in Everyday Decisions

  Over the weekend, I had a thought-provoking conversation with my uncle. We discussed how people reason and apply wisdom in their everyday lives. We both agreed that experience plays a vital role in shaping our decisions. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said, "Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." Yet, we also recognize that if experiences are not correctly applied, they can lead to poor judgment or even foolishness. My uncle shared an encounter he had with a salesgirl at a store, which vividly illustrated our discussion. He approached her to inquire about the price of a pack of toilet rolls. She informed him that the pack, containing six rolls, was priced at NGN4500. Curious, he then asked for the price of a single roll, to which she responded NGN500. Surprised by the discrepancy, my uncle pointed out that if one roll costs NGN500, the total for six rolls should logically be NGN3000, not NGN4500. However, the salesgirl disagreed, insisting


In the delicate fabric of love, Dupe found herself entangled in a web meticulously woven by the charming Bambo. His initial approach mirrored an angelic presence in her life, showering her with kindness, gifts, and an ever-present availability. It marked a clear departure from her past experiences, and for a while, she reveled in the warmth of his affection. The early days were a euphoric dance of love bombing - a term used to describe an overwhelming display of affection and attention designed to sweep someone off their feet. Dupe felt like the luckiest person alive, basking in Bambo's constant calls, thoughtful gifts, and genuine concern for her well-being. However, as the relationship deepened, the once celestial glow began to cast shadows. Bambo's behavior underwent a transformation, and the paradise Dupe had found herself in gradually morphed into a labyrinth of control. The love-bombing facade gave way to possessiveness, manifested in questioning her every move, scrutini


In the ebb and flow of life, friendships can be the anchors that keep us grounded. Yet, what happens when the tides change unexpectedly, and the friend who was once a steady presence becomes an enigma of distant silence? This is a journey I found myself embarking on a journey to find closure when a cherished connection took an unexpected turn. It all started with a subtle shift in the wind, a change in the rhythm of our conversations. My friend, who had always been warm and approachable, suddenly became a mirage of the person I once knew. At first, it might be the natural ephemerality of relationships, the occasional plateau that precedes a deeper connection. Little did I know that the tempest of change was brewing beneath the surface. Attempts to reach out became a futile exercise. Texts echoed into the void, emails remained unanswered, and calls were met with an eerie silence. It was as if a veil had been drawn between us, and I found myself standing on the precipice of uncertainty.


In the opus of life, each person contributes a unique note, a melody that makes the ensemble complete. However, society often insists that everyone should sing in the same pitch. Today, let's talk about the women who prefer a quieter tune and how we can encourage a more harmonious world that celebrates the diversity of expression. Have you ever sat across from someone who speaks volumes with just a glance or a thoughtful pause? Being less expressive doesn't mean lacking emotion or depth. It's about embracing the richness of individuality, where silence can be as powerful as words. Every human must understand that quietness isn't a sign of weakness or disinterest. There are various factors influencing a woman's expressive nature - personality traits, cultural backgrounds, past experiences, and societal expectations. It's essential to peel back the layers and understand the unique journey each person is on. Imagine a world where conversations are a gentle dance, w


Mastering the art of letting go of what you cannot change is a transformative skill that paves the way for a life filled with peace and fulfillment. As humans, it's natural to cling to the past and harbor concerns about the future. However, dwelling on elements beyond our control inevitably leads to stress, anxiety, and even depression. The first crucial step toward letting go of the unchangeable is embracing REALITY . It involves acknowledging that certain events have occurred or will transpire, irrespective of our emotional response. Recognizing that we cannot alter the past or dictate the future is liberating; attempting otherwise only fuels frustration and disappointment. Once we have accepted reality, the next step is to FOCUS on the present moment. This means letting go of regrets about the past and worries about the future, and instead focusing on what we can do right now to make our lives better. This might mean setting goals, practicing self-care, or simply enjoying the s


In the quaint town of Ekiti, a woman named Ada faced an unimaginable challenge that left her staring into the abyss of pain. Ada, a devoted mother and wife, was struck by a sudden and severe illness that altered the course of her life. The weight of physical suffering, coupled with the emotional toll on her family, became the proverbial knothole through which she struggled to make sense of her world. According to the dictionary, a knothole is a void left by a knot in the wood; such holes are often convenient for peering through when they occur in fences. Ada found herself peering through the knothole of her pain, unable to see beyond the immediate struggle of her illness. She grappled with questions of purpose, the fairness of life's twists, and the harsh reality of her newfound vulnerability. The Knothole Analogy: Ada's journey reflects the profound analogy of looking through the knothole. Her life, once a smoothly crafted fence of routine and joy, now bore the interruptions o